20 may 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the notebook , i get it when i was fifteen years old (thereabouts) , and give me the oportunities to do homeworks, talk with my friends, play greats games and the most important thing is that i can use in any places of my house and for this i like it. actually i use it everyday cause in the pc you can do all things (previously mentionated). My life without the notebook would be more happy, because i stay more time with my family and friends, enjoyin the life outsides the house, playing football, basketball, skate, and many other sports, or simply be talking with my mother,reading a book and better than this estimating the environment. And for other hand i could find another ways to do my homeworks.
I chose the notebook, cause is the most integral piece of technology but too there are many technological things that i use everyday like the cellphone, the radio, the refrigerator and microwaves jojo.

13 may 2009


Is so difficult to me speak about myself but I think that I a special person with good feelings (laughs) in the way to become in a "man". I living this process in the life with ups and downs.

This semester i hope learn the most possible english in class, specially words or topics relationated with the career, second do goods relations with my classmates and teacher :). and at last obviously pass the asignature (laughs).

In conclusion i expect that this semester be really good for all of us.