1 jun 2009

My Picture

This picture was taken in vacations of this year. I taken the photo and what shows is Machu Picchu.
I had three options to choose photos: my graceful, different with my musical ex-band and the one that I raised. I chose this photo because on having seen her immediately brings to me many recollections, between them that the trip was done with two big friends, this way that every minute was special. Very entertaining the truth, but also it was very intense since practically we were living alone and the problems that were arising had to be solved by we themselves and not for our parents or families, without knowing like the things were working in a country that is not yours.
Out of all that the photo is really precious and I like very much because of it and principally for the Wayna picchu that we climb and take a brilliant photo in the top and one sees really high.

20 may 2009

My favourite piece of technology

My favourite piece of technology is the notebook , i get it when i was fifteen years old (thereabouts) , and give me the oportunities to do homeworks, talk with my friends, play greats games and the most important thing is that i can use in any places of my house and for this i like it. actually i use it everyday cause in the pc you can do all things (previously mentionated). My life without the notebook would be more happy, because i stay more time with my family and friends, enjoyin the life outsides the house, playing football, basketball, skate, and many other sports, or simply be talking with my mother,reading a book and better than this estimating the environment. And for other hand i could find another ways to do my homeworks.
I chose the notebook, cause is the most integral piece of technology but too there are many technological things that i use everyday like the cellphone, the radio, the refrigerator and microwaves jojo.

13 may 2009


Is so difficult to me speak about myself but I think that I a special person with good feelings (laughs) in the way to become in a "man". I living this process in the life with ups and downs.

This semester i hope learn the most possible english in class, specially words or topics relationated with the career, second do goods relations with my classmates and teacher :). and at last obviously pass the asignature (laughs).

In conclusion i expect that this semester be really good for all of us.